👉 November's Best Digital Marketing Tips Are Inside
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Hi , here's your monthly Dose of Noetic!

Upgrade Your Facebook Ads with These Strategies

Facebook ads offer the ability to reach a broad audience and can drive significant conversions. But like all marketing strategies, what worked a year ago might be less effective today. Staying innovative, testing different approaches, and adjusting based on results is essential.

To assist you, we've curated five ad ideas from Triple Whale that you can use to create more compelling Facebook ads:

  • Us vs Them: Highlight your brand's unique offerings compared to competitors. Emphasize what makes you different and preferable.

  • Before & After: Showcase the transformative power of your product or service, use visuals to display the differences and benefits.

  • FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out): Evoke a sense of urgency, suggesting audiences might miss out on something valuable. Position your brand as an experience they want to take advantage of.

  • X Reasons Why: Use videos to highlight key features and benefits. Deliver a clear, concise message on why they should choose you.

  • User-Generated Content: Feature real customers using or discussing your products. Prioritize authenticity but ensure it's balanced within your overall ad mix.

Incorporating these variations will enhance your ad campaigns' effectiveness and can reduce your audience’s ad fatigue. If you have an e-commerce business, check out our Facebook Advertising Guide for E-Commerce.

Enhance User Experience with UI/UX Design

Understanding UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) design is essential as the digital landscape becomes increasingly competitive.

UI relates to the elements users interact with, such as buttons and icons, while UX is about the user's journey, ensuring each step is intuitive and enjoyable. Combined, these two elements can increase user engagement, increase conversions, reduce bounce rates, and enhance customer loyalty.

Here are three tips to improve your UI/UX design:

  • Make What Users Are Looking For Easy to Find: Users should be able to quickly navigate your site or app and find what they need. A clear structure and intuitive design mean happier visitors and more conversions.

  • Encourage Users to Take Action: Utilize compelling call-to-action buttons and prompts. Guide users towards your desired actions, whether signing up, purchasing, or any other objective.

  • Stay Up-to-Date: An aesthetically pleasing modern design looks good and enhances usability. Remain vigilant of new design trends and prioritize clarity and simplicity.

A great example we would like to highlight is Jetty, a financial services company for real estate. They have an intuitive design that is easy to understand and navigate for new users.

By focusing on the best UI/UX design practices, you can create a lasting impression on your visitors and foster loyal customers. Check out our web design services if you want to upgrade your website.
Easily Collect Email Data with This One Tool

Gone are the days when open rates were the gold standard for email marketing. Due to various privacy tools integrated into many email applications, these numbers no longer accurately reflect engagement.

One key metric to consider is the subscribe/unsubscribe ratio, which gives insight into your email list's health. But for genuine understanding, direct feedback is best.

To efficiently collect direct feedback, use AMP for Email. It's a framework created by Google that enables you to design and send interactive emails that allow people to fill out forms, purchase products, book meetings, and more without leaving their inboxes.

It's interactive and easy for your subscribers to complete. Check out this example from GoDaddy below.

Tools like AMP for Email can simplify feedback collection and offer subscribers a more engaging, efficient experience. A solid marketing strategy can grow your email list and business exponentially. If you need help, book a free consultation with one of our experts to get started today!
Our Recent Blog Posts
An Easy Guide to Higher Education Marketing Budgets
In this blog post, we will explore the world of marketing budgets in higher education, including average spending figures, areas where universities invest the most, critical components included in a marketing budget, and valuable insights on creating an effective budget that aligns with your institution's goals.
7 Challenges in Higher Education Digital Marketing + Solutions to Fix Them
In this blog, we will explore common challenges faced in higher education digital marketing and discover seven practical solutions that can help you transform these problems into opportunities for success.
11 Valuable Strategies for Recruiting International Students
From leveraging the power of social media to university partnerships, we’ll discuss actionable steps you can take to increase your global reach and appeal to students from various cultural backgrounds. Dive into these eleven valuable strategies and discover how you can make your institution stand out to prospective international students!
Thank you for reading!

We hope you enjoyed your Dose of Noetic.


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